12 research outputs found

    Approaching MCSP from Above and Below: Hardness for a Conditional Variant and AC^0[p]

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    The Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP) asks whether a given Boolean function has a circuit of at most a given size. MCSP has been studied for over a half-century and has deep connections throughout theoretical computer science including to cryptography, computational learning theory, and proof complexity. For example, we know (informally) that if MCSP is easy to compute, then most cryptography can be broken. Despite this cryptographic hardness connection and extensive research, we still know relatively little about the hardness of MCSP unconditionally. Indeed, until very recently it was unknown whether MCSP can be computed in AC^0[2] (Golovnev et al., ICALP 2019). Our main contribution in this paper is to formulate a new "oracle" variant of circuit complexity and prove that this problem is NP-complete under randomized reductions. In more detail, we define the Minimum Oracle Circuit Size Problem (MOCSP) that takes as input the truth table of a Boolean function f, a size threshold s, and the truth table of an oracle Boolean function O, and determines whether there is a circuit with O-oracle gates and at most s wires that computes f. We prove that MOCSP is NP-complete under randomized polynomial-time reductions. We also extend the recent AC^0[p] lower bound against MCSP by Golovnev et al. to a lower bound against the circuit minimization problem for depth-d formulas, (AC^0_d)-MCSP. We view this result as primarily a technical contribution. In particular, our proof takes a radically different approach from prior MCSP-related hardness results

    Connecting Perebor Conjectures: Towards a Search to Decision Reduction for Minimizing Formulas

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    NP-hardness of circuit minimization for multi-output functions

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    Can we design efficient algorithms for finding fast algorithms? This question is captured by various circuit minimization problems, and algorithms for the corresponding tasks have significant practical applications. Following the work of Cook and Levin in the early 1970s, a central question is whether minimizing the circuit size of an explicitly given function is NP-complete. While this is known to hold in restricted models such as DNFs, making progress with respect to more expressive classes of circuits has been elusive. In this work, we establish the first NP-hardness result for circuit minimization of total functions in the setting of general (unrestricted) Boolean circuits. More precisely, we show that computing the minimum circuit size of a given multi-output Boolean function f : {0,1}^n ? {0,1}^m is NP-hard under many-one polynomial-time randomized reductions. Our argument builds on a simpler NP-hardness proof for the circuit minimization problem for (single-output) Boolean functions under an extended set of generators. Complementing these results, we investigate the computational hardness of minimizing communication. We establish that several variants of this problem are NP-hard under deterministic reductions. In particular, unless ? = ??, no polynomial-time computable function can approximate the deterministic two-party communication complexity of a partial Boolean function up to a polynomial. This has consequences for the class of structural results that one might hope to show about the communication complexity of partial functions

    Hardness of Constant-Round Communication Complexity

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    Towards Separating Computational and Statistical Differential Privacy

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    Computational differential privacy (CDP) is a natural relaxation of the standard notion of (statistical) differential privacy (SDP) proposed by Beimel, Nissim, and Omri (CRYPTO 2008) and Mironov, Pandey, Reingold, and Vadhan (CRYPTO 2009). In contrast to SDP, CDP only requires privacy guarantees to hold against computationally-bounded adversaries rather than computationally-unbounded statistical adversaries. Despite the question being raised explicitly in several works (e.g., Bun, Chen, and Vadhan, TCC 2016), it has remained tantalizingly open whether there is any task achievable with the CDP notion but not the SDP notion. Even a candidate such task is unknown. Indeed, it is even unclear what the truth could be! In this work, we give the first construction of a task achievable with the CDP notion but not the SDP notion, under the following strong but plausible cryptographic assumptions: (1) Non-Interactive Witness Indistinguishable Proofs, (2) Laconic Collision-Resistant Keyless Hash Functions, (3) Differing-Inputs Obfuscation for Public-Coin Samplers. In particular, we construct a task for which there exists an ε\varepsilon-CDP mechanism with ε=O(1)\varepsilon = O(1) achieving 1o(1)1-o(1) utility, but any (ε,δ)(\varepsilon, \delta)-SDP mechanism, including computationally-unbounded ones, that achieves a constant utility must use either a super-constant ε\varepsilon or an inverse-polynomially large δ\delta. To prove this, we introduce a new approach for showing that a mechanism satisfies CDP: first we show that a mechanism is "private" against a certain class of decision tree adversaries, and then we use cryptographic constructions to "lift" this into privacy against computationally bounded adversaries. We believe this approach could be useful to devise further tasks separating CDP from SDP.Comment: To appear at Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2023. Changes compared to previous version: (1) The lower bound for SDP is now stronger in that it holds also for a certain inverse-polynomially large delta as opposed to only non-negligible delta, and (2) the presentation is cleaned u

    NP-Hardness of Approximating Meta-Complexity: A Cryptographic Approach

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    It is a long-standing open problem whether the Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP\mathrm{MCSP}) and related meta-complexity problems are NP-complete. Even for the rare cases where the NP-hardness of meta-complexity problems are known, we only know very weak hardness of approximation. In this work, we prove NP-hardness of approximating meta-complexity with nearly-optimal approximation gaps. Our key idea is to use *cryptographic constructions* in our reductions, where the security of the cryptographic construction implies the correctness of the reduction. We present both conditional and unconditional hardness of approximation results as follows. \bullet Assuming subexponentially-secure witness encryption exists, we prove essentially optimal NP-hardness of approximating conditional time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity (Kt(xy)\mathrm{K}^t(x \mid y)) in the regime where tyt \gg |y|. Previously, the best hardness of approximation known was a x1/poly(loglogx)|x|^{1/ \mathrm{poly}(\log \log |x|)} factor and only in the sublinear regime (tyt \ll |y|). \bullet Unconditionally, we show near-optimal NP-hardness of approximation for the Minimum Oracle Circuit Size Problem (MOCSP), where Yes instances have circuit complexity at most 2εn2^{\varepsilon n}, and No instances are essentially as hard as random truth tables. Our reduction builds on a witness encryption construction proposed by Garg, Gentry, Sahai, and Waters (STOC\u2713). Previously, it was unknown whether it is NP-hard to distinguish between oracle circuit complexity ss versus 10slogN10s\log N. \bullet Finally, we define a multi-valued version of MCSP\mathrm{MCSP}, called mvMCSP\mathrm{mvMCSP}, and show that w.p. 11 over a random oracle OO, mvMCSPO\mathrm{mvMCSP}^O is NP-hard to approximate under quasi-polynomial-time reductions with OO oracle access. Intriguingly, this result follows almost directly from the security of Micali\u27s CS proofs (Micali, SICOMP\u2700). In conclusion, we give three results convincingly demonstrating the power of cryptographic techniques in proving NP-hardness of approximating meta-complexity

    AC^0[p] Lower Bounds Against MCSP via the Coin Problem

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    Minimum Circuit Size Problem (MCSP) asks to decide if a given truth table of an n-variate boolean function has circuit complexity less than a given parameter s. We prove that MCSP is hard for constant-depth circuits with mod p gates, for any prime p >= 2 (the circuit class AC^0[p]). Namely, we show that MCSP requires d-depth AC^0[p] circuits of size at least exp(N^{0.49/d}), where N=2^n is the size of an input truth table of an n-variate boolean function. Our circuit lower bound proof shows that MCSP can solve the coin problem: distinguish uniformly random N-bit strings from those generated using independent samples from a biased random coin which is 1 with probability 1/2+N^{-0.49}, and 0 otherwise. Solving the coin problem with such parameters is known to require exponentially large AC^0[p] circuits. Moreover, this also implies that MAJORITY is computable by a non-uniform AC^0 circuit of polynomial size that also has MCSP-oracle gates. The latter has a few other consequences for the complexity of MCSP, e.g., we get that any boolean function in NC^1 (i.e., computable by a polynomial-size formula) can also be computed by a non-uniform polynomial-size AC^0 circuit with MCSP-oracle gates

    A duality between one-way functions and average-case symmetry of information

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    Symmetry of Information (SoI) is a fundamental property of Kolmogorov complexity that relates the complexity of a pair of strings and their conditional complexities. Understanding if this property holds in the time-bounded setting is a longstanding open problem. In the nineties, Longpr ́e and Mocas [LM93] and Longpr ́e and Watanabe [LW95] established that if SoI holds for time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity then cryptographic one-way functions do not exist, and asked if a converse holds. We show that one-way functions exist if and only if (probabilistic) time-bounded SoI fails on average, i.e., if there is a samplable distribution of pairs (x, y) of strings such that SoI for pKt complexity fails for many of these pairs. Our techniques rely on recent perspectives offered by probabilistic Kolmogorov complexity and meta-complexity, and reveal further equivalences between inverting one-way functions and the validity of key properties of Kolmogorov complexity in the time-bounded setting: (average-case) language compression and (average-case) conditional coding. Motivated by these results, we investigate correspondences of this form for the worst-case hardness of NP (i.e., NP ⊈ BPP) and for the average-case hardness of NP (i.e., DistNP ⊈ HeurBPP), respectively. Our results establish the existence of similar dualities between these computational assumptions and the failure of results from Kolmogorov complexity in the time-bounded setting. In particular, these characterizations offer a novel way to investigate the main hardness conjectures of complexity theory (and the relationships among them) through the lens of Kolmogorov complexity and its properties

    Robustness of Average-Case Meta-Complexity via Pseudorandomness

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